Year Round, Weekly, or Twice-Weekly Pool Cleaning Schedules
Our services include:
- Complete Digital Water Test:
- Balance Chlorine
- Balance Alkalinity
- Balance pH
- Balance Cyanuric Acid
- Balance Calcium Hardness
- Adjust enzymes
- Maintain Langelier Saturation Index (LSI)
- Clean Pump and Skimmer Baskets
- Clean Tile/ Water Line: (We brush your tile every week; this won’t remove scaling but it will slow down its development)
- Verify Vacuum Operational
- Visually Inspect Pool Equipment
- Brush Pool, Walls, Ledges & Seats
- Skim Debris from Pool Surface
- Vacuum Pool
- Check Filter Pressure, Backwash, Clean Cartridges
- Verify Proper Pool Circulation
- Check Pool Automation Controls
- Monitor Chlorine Generator
Chemicals and Salt Included
Extra Services:
- Clean Cartridge Filters = $145
- Clean Salt Cell = $145
- Special Cleaning = $145
- Service Calls = $75 per hour (2 hour minimum)
- After Hours or Weekend Service Call = $100 per hour
Our Philosophy - Orenda Pool:
At Hydroscapes, we embrace the Orenda technology and method of pool cleaning and chemistry. An Orenda pool is one where you can happily let your kids and grandkids play. It's full of water that is managed proactively, without chemical conflicts, and without harmful long-term byproducts. Our goal is to provide the purest water possible with the fewest chemicals. We respect the nature of water and use a minimalist approach to treat it. We use professional-grade, eco-friendly products to facilitate maintenance and reduce common problems. Our proactive approach minimizes chemical abuse. The result is stunning water quality by dosing chemicals accurately, balancing the water according to the LSI, rather than traditional methods that may not be 100% accurate or healthy for your pool shell, pool water or the people swimming in it.
Training and Expertise:
All of our Hydroscapes technicians are fully-trained through a comprehensive classroom curriculum and hands-on training. We have Certified Pool Operators (CPO) on staff who have been through all necessary Genesis training, the industry standard in pool training. They are proficient in proper water balance, equipment management and much more. Furthermore, they participate in continued training opportunities throughout the year to stay up-to-date on all new chemicals and processes on the market. Our goal is to be experts so we can make the correct decision no matter the situation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Many pools appear to stay clean, but you may not know what is lurking below the surface. Swimming
pools see their chlorine levels reduced quickly, especially during warmer weather with more
swimmers. Regular pool cleaning and maintenance are essential if you want your pool to last the
whole swimming season. Routine cleaning and maintenance include brushing and vacuuming the pool
to keep algae at bay. Just because your pool looks clear does not necessarily mean that it’s clean and
fit for swimming.
There are many reasons why your swimming pool water may have a green appearance to it. Some of
these reasons include algae growth from phosphates or having metals in the water. Algae has the
ability to grow rapidly, especially during the warm summer months. When it happens quickly, it’s
likely due to an imbalance or a lack of chlorine in your pool water. Chlorine serves as a sanitizer, and if
you let the chlorine levels drop for even one day, an algae outbreak can occur.
It’s essential to keep your pool chemically balanced if you want to enjoy it for the entire swim season.
Keeping the water chemically balanced will impact the operation of your pool as well as the condition
of your equipment. Balanced water protects the pool surface and equipment while providing a
comfortable swimming environment.
Unbalanced Water Causes…
High pH – A high pH level results in scaling water. That water clogs filters and heater elements. It also
reduces circulation, results in cloudy water, and creates metal staining. A high pH level creates
chlorine inefficiency and can lead to eye and skin irritation.
Low pH – A low pH level in your pool results in corrosive water. This type of water causes etching of
the pool or spa surface, corrosion of metals, and staining or surface walls. Low pH levels can cause
wrinkles in vinyl liners and eye and skin irritation.
High Alkalinity – Water with high alkalinity creates pH lock, resulting in cloudy water, clogged filters
and heater elements, rough pool and spa surfaces, and reduced circulation.
Low Alkalinity – Pool water with low alkalinity creates pH bounce, resulting in the staining or surface
walls, etching of pool and spa surfaces, and heater failure.
High Calcium Hardness – Pools with high calcium hardness lead to scaling water. This causes clogged
filters and heater elements, cloudy water, reduced circulation, and eye and skin irritation.
Low Calcium Hardness – A swimming pool with low calcium hardness creates corrosive water. This
results in heater failure and the etching of pool or spa surfaces. Low calcium hardness causes water to
become aggressive and seek calcium from other sources such as the surfaces of your pool or spa.
High Cyanuric Acid – A pool with high cyanuric acid levels creates cloudy water and affects alkalinity
Low Cyanuric Acid – Pools with low cyanuric acid cannot maintain a sanitizer effectively.
The word shock can be used as a noun or a verb when it comes to swimming pools. Buying shock
describes a sanitizer to clean the pool. Shocking a pool means raising the sanitizer level to 10 ppm. If
you do this yourself, be sure you follow all chemical precautions, including wearing personal
protective equipment like gloves, goggles, and chemical masks. The best course of action is to leave
the pool cleaning and sanitizing tasks to the expert team at Millennium Pools & Spas.
Algae requires nutrients, sunlight, and somewhere to grow. The best way to prevent algae from
growing in your swimming pool is by maintaining the proper sanitizer level and brushing. Algae needs
to have a surface to cling onto and grow on, so brushing it will prevent it from hiding in crevices. Algae
can be transferred from pool to pool, so be sure to wash your bathing suit after you take a vacation or
swim somewhere besides your home pool.
Depending on the chemical introduced it is generally safe to use your swimming pool after the
chemicals have dispersed throughout it. Industry standards recommend waiting about six to eight
hours for commercial pools and eight to 12 hours for residential swimming pools for certain
chemicals. It all depends on your pool equipment and circulation capabilities.
We regret to inform you that the smell which you call "chlorine" at the swimming pool is not, in fact
chlorine. Chlorine doesn't actually give off the distinctive "pool smell”. Chloramines, on the other
hand, do, and are produced when chlorine reacts with ammonia from the sweat, body oils and urine
of pool users. Chloramines are the main cause of skin and eye irritation as well as the strong chlorine
smell in pools.